
Dealing with coding challenges

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Owen Franssen

· 3 min read

As developers, we’ve all likely encountered those daunting coding challenges, those puzzling exercises that seem to test the limits of your knowledge and patience. The ones that make you question if the requirements are even possible. While they can be frustrating and intimidating, these challenges are also invaluable tools for honing your problem-solving skills and expanding your coding expertise.

Understanding the Challenge: Decoding the Puzzle

The first step in conquering any coding challenge is to fully grasp its requriements. Read the specification carefully, breaking it down into smaller, more manageable steps. Identify the input, output, and any constraints or limitations. Don’t rush; take your time to fully understand the puzzle you’re about to tackle.

Breaking Down the Barriers: Simplification is Key

Once you have a clear understanding of the challenge, it’s time to break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks. Don’t try to tackle the entire problem at once; instead, focus on solving individual subproblems. This approach makes the challenge less overwhelming and allows you to build upon your progress gradually.

Exploring Different Approaches: Embracing Creativity

If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. There’s generally more than one way to solve a coding challenge. Don’t limit yourself to the first solution that comes to mind; explore different approaches and techniques. Consider different algorithms, data structures, and programming paradigms. Experimentation is key to finding the most efficient and elegant solution.

Utilizing Debugging Tools: Unmasking the Errors

When you encounter errors, don’t panic. Debugging is an essential skill for any developer. Utilize debugging tools to identify the root cause of the problem. Step through your code line by line, checking for syntax errors, logical flaws, and unexpected input conditions.

Seeking Guidance: The Power of Communities

Don’t hesitate to seek help when you’re stuck. Online communities and forums are filled with experienced developers willing to share their knowledge and provide guidance. Engage in discussions, ask questions, and learn from the experiences of others. If you work in an agency environment, ask your colleagues for input. “Knowledge is power. Knowledge shared is power multiplied.”

Embrace Failure as Feedback: Learning from Setbacks

Mistakes and setbacks are inevitable parts of the coding journey. Don’t view them as failures; instead, see them as valuable learning opportunities. Analyze your errors, identify the underlying causes and adapt your approach accordingly. Failure is a stepping stone to success; embrace it as a form of feedback.

I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. ~ Thomas A. Edison

Maintaining Focus and Resilience: A Calm Mind Conquers All

Coding can be mentally taxing, especially if you add in the pressure of challenges or deadlines. To maintain focus, take regular breaks to refresh your mind. Step away from the computer, take a walk, or engage in a non-programming activity. When you return, you’ll approach the challenge with renewed clarity and energy.

Remember, coding challenges are not designed to defeat you; view them as opportunities to grow and expand your coding abilities. Approach them with a calm, focused mindset, and you’ll find that each challenge you conquer builds upon your skills and makes you a more proficient developer.

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go. ~ Dr. Seuss

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About Owen Franssen

Owen is a self-taught full-stack web developer having worked as a junior, senior and freelance developer over the past two decades and is currently technical lead at a leading ecommerce agency in Ireland.